Thirty years after the collapse of Barings in 1995, I will be returning to deliver a couple of talks at events in the region. Whilst there, I’m going to take a holiday and revisit some of the places that I lived and enjoyed during my time in Asia.

This presents an opportunity if you are looking for a speaker at an event in January or February 2025. Unfortunately, Singapore won’t be on the agenda – too much red tape and personal jeopardy!

My talks are always very candid, honest and self-deprecating. There is definitely no attempt to paint myself in a better light and they are all well received by audiences. Here’s a couple of comments from past clients:

“We wanted a different approach to our Compliance training this year, which Nick Leeson provided. His session was highly thought-provoking and Nick painted a stark picture of the devastating effects of failing to take the right approach to risk management and compliance. Challenging, stimulating – and entertaining.”
NBC Universal

“Nick Leeson was a brilliant, informative and engaging speaker at our recent conference. He effectively explained the importance of compliance, risk and regulations through his fascinating story. We received great feedback from our audience on both the event and Nick himself, and he was undoubtedly a fantastic addition to our panel.”
Equilibrium Asset Management LLP

View more speaking testimonials here.

Whether it’s an informal after-dinner speech or conference keynote address, my story and the collapse of Barings are at the centre of every speech. However, I will always tailor speeches to each brief and audience, and I’m often asked to focus on topics and themes such as:

  • Risk management
  • Compliance
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate culture
  • Ethics
  • Mental health and dealing with adversity

The audience Q&A sessions that follow are always eagerly anticipated, candid and enjoyed by all.

This will be a mature reflection of the last thirty years and look at many of the personal and organisational failings of that time. Have they changed? If not, why not?

If this is something that may be of interest, then please get in touch with my speaking agent at NMP Live. Please email, fill in the online form, or call +44 (0)20 3822 0003.

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